footlights 〔pl.〕 【戏剧】舞台上的脚光;舞台;演戏(appear before the footlights 上台演戏。 behind the foot-lights 在观众席上。 get across [over] the footlights 演出受欢迎。 smell of the footlights 像在做戏,装模作样。 smell the footlights 变成戏迷)。
Stop footling about , we have serious work to do 别浪费时间了我们还有正经事要做。
I wish he would not footle about so much 我希望他不要这样混日子。
One response may be to go after china on non - footling disputes , but strictly within the context of enforcing rules and legally binding commitments 那么,欧盟所做出的一个反应可以是跟中国一样关注重大的贸易争端,但是要严格的置于执行规则和有法律约束的承诺之上。
One response may be to go after china on non - footling disputes , but strictly within the context of enforcing rules and legally binding commitments 对此情况的一个回应可能是在一些大的争端上抓牢中国,但严格地讲,争端的范围必须要限制在遵守行业法规与合法履行责任的范畴上。
Already , complaints about chinese goods being dumped at below production cost take up an inordinate amount of time ( recent footling disputes have involved light bulbs and tinned satsumas ) 然而,欧盟国家已经有怨言说中国商品以低于成本价倾销的持续时间超过了限定的范围(最新无谓的争端牵涉到电灯泡与罐头小蜜橘) 。
Already , complaints about chinese goods being dumped at below production cost take up an inordinate amount of time ( recent footling disputes have involved light bulbs and tinned satsumas ) 而针对中国的低于生产成本的产品倾销的投诉占据了(欧盟)相当多的时间(最近的一次毫无意义的争论涉及中国产的灯泡和罐装无核小蜜橘) 。
Now here ' s another lunatic . here ' s a mouth - frother , here ' s a bigot , here ' s a stiff - necked buffoon who , in one ranting article , shows all that is wrong , footling and absurd about modern china 这儿又来了一个疯子。这个满嘴废话的家伙,这个偏执狂。这个傲慢的小丑,在一篇咆哮的文章里,表现了关于现代中国的一切缪误,愚蠢和荒谬。
(informal) small and of little importance; "a fiddling sum of money"; "a footling gesture"; "our worries are lilliputian compared with those of countries that are at war"; "a little (or small) matter"; "a dispute over niggling details"; "limited to petty enterprises"; "piffling efforts"; "giving a police officer a free meal may be against the law, but it seems to be a picayune infraction" 同义词:fiddling, lilliputian, little, niggling, piddling, piffling, petty, picayune, trivial,