Fma : for sure , we expect that renault and mclaren will be a little bit stronger here compared to indy 菲利普-马萨:肯定,和印第相比,我们预计雷诺和迈凯轮会更加强劲一些。
A new method , which combines the fast multipole algorithm with high order impedance boundary condition hoibc , is proposed to analyze the radar cross section of dielectric - coated cylinders 将快速多极算法fma与高阶阻抗边界条件hoibc相结合,分析了有介质涂层的电大尺寸导体柱的雷达散射截面rcs 。
Comparing with conventional methods , this combination accelerates the computational speed and decreases the memory requirement . the effectiveness and reliability of the method are verified by numerical results 阻抗边界条件ibc的引入减少了计算区域,节省了内存,将只适于导体散射分析的fma扩展到有涂层情况。
It is emphasis how to calculate three - dimensional radar cross section ( rcs ) by the fma because of its superiority . the universal program has been accomplished by the fma , which may calculate the radar cross section of all kinds of shapes three - dimensional conducting bodies 由于快速多极子法分析三维物体电磁散射的优越性,本文重点研究了如何用快速多极子法求三维导体的散射截面,利用快速多极子法编出了能够计算三维导体单站散射截面的通用程序。
In the paper , the new electromagnetic scattering algorithms have been introduced - recursive aggregate t - matrix algorithm ( ratma ) and fast multipole algorithm ( fma ) . two kinds of methods are precise and efficient and have advantages over conventional method of moment in computational speed and requirement for storage space 本文研究了基于积分方程的电磁散射计算方法,主要研究了两种算法:递推t矩阵法和快速多极子法,这两种算法都有计算量小、所需内存少和精度高的优点。