The patient has active bowel sounds and is passing flatus . 病人出现活跃的肠鸣音并开始排气。
The style of this building contains profound art connotation and it can integrate the cultural flatus and the epoch spirit 大剧院总建筑面积为18000平方米,含乙级剧场( 1400座) 、文化服务区、影视娱乐区及群艺馆。
Its scientific name is flatus or flatulence , but the english language has an impressive range of colorful terms to describe the explosive emission of digestive gas 屁的学名是“肠胃胀气”或是“肠胃气胀” ,不过英语里有一套令人印象深刻的生动说法来形容这种消化气体的爆发。
Offering both breasts at each feed ( foremilkhindmilk imbalance ) the baby will be irritable , demands frequent feeds in spite of the mother s abundant milk supply , brings back his feeds , & passes explosive watery stools & flatus 尽管母亲乳量充足,婴儿却总是吃不够而要求吃奶,并且显得烦躁不安;排出大量稀便和腹气(放屁) 。