

  • (铺路用的)石板,扁石。



  • 例句与用法
  • 3 . flagstone stage : the content of the totem is aborigine dancing together
    3 .石板屋司令台:司令台图腾为原住民族群共舞图。
  • The local architecture is typical of eastern sichuan . its flagstone streets are lined with houses mostly built of bamboo and timber
  • There are natural patterns in the products . you can find that each is different because the material is crude flagstone and wooden board
  • Nevertheless , i ' ll fix it in my mind how you held my hand , when i was traipsing , barefoot , on the flagstone walkway touched with hints of emerald moss
  • Along the flagstones , which had been wet by the drip - drop of umbrellas , the footsteps of the crowd rang continually , but there was no sound of voices
  • The women are now being trained at the flagstone winery in somerset west in the art of wine making , production and marketing as well as management of a winery
  • In the shadow of streets and lanes , the snow cover and ice were eroding under the pounding of raindrops , and the filthy sewage was flowing everywhere on the streets paved with flagstones
  • It had taken the cook , the stable boy , and both of the twins to drag the chests into the yard , where a great hole had been dug under the flagstones close to the servants ' latrines
  • The cradle - rockers had done hard duty for so many years , under the weight of so many children , on that flagstone floor , that they were worn nearly flat , in consequence of which a huge jerk accompanied each swing of the cot , flinging the baby from side to side like a weaver s shuttle , as mrs durbeyfield , excited by her song , trod the rocker with all the spring that was left in her after a long day s seething in the suds
  • Through the introduction of the green house paradigmatic project designed by the cooperation of china and germany in flagstone town , hua xi district , gui yang , this article expatiates systemically the whale design process from the view of comprehensive assessment system tar building environmental efficiency and explores the application of the green building techniques in rural house construction
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 英文解释
  • stratified stone that splits into pieces suitable as paving stones

  • 其他语种释义
  • flagstoneとは意味:{名} : 敷石{しきいし} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【変化】《複》flagstones、【分節】flag?stone
  • 推荐英语阅读
flagstone的中文翻译,flagstone是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译flagstone,flagstone的中文意思,flagstone的中文flagstone in Chineseflagstone的中文flagstone怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
