Standard classification of insulating firebrick 绝热耐火砖的标准分类
Rare earth high carbon potential carburization of firebrick die 耐火砖模具的稀土高浓度渗碳
Test method for thermal conductivity of insulating firebrick 绝热耐火砖的热传导性的测试方法
Standard test method for reheat change of insulating firebrick 绝热耐火砖二次加热变化的标准试验方法
Poly light high aluminum firebrick 聚轻高铝砖
Standard test methods for size , dimensional measurements , and bulk density of refractory brick and insulating firebrick 耐火砖和绝热耐火砖的尺寸尺寸测量和松装密度的标准试验方法
The results have shown that the concentrated stress area exist in the lining of the hearth and bottom with different firebrick which should be one of the reason eroded the hearth and bottom of the blast furnace 计算结果表明:在用具有不同的导热性能和力学性能的耐火材料砌筑的炉缸内存在著应力集中现象,这是导致高炉炉缸破损的主要原因之一。
This paper discusses how to improve expand section ' s lining of heavy - calibre and high - tempreture , the steel - fibre lining is improved to be the lining of firebrick and fireproof material , to avoide the lining drop and meet the needs of production 摘要阐述了如何将大口径高温膨胀节衬里由钢纤维双层衬里改为耐火砖加耐火浇注料结构,避免了衬里脱落,满足了生产需要。
It w ill quick the developing of object - oriented cad system , accelerate the application of object - oriented method in engineering software , promote the expansion and maintenance of software . as an example , this paper introduces the firebrick die cad system that is designed by object - oriented technology and with the method of uml 最后,本文以耐火砖模具cad系统的开发为例,对该系统做了比较详细的分析建模,在该系统的开发中使用了uml方法并以rationalrose作为case工具,不仅使分析过程更加符合人们的思维逻辑,具有更清晰的思路,而且提高了软件开发效率。
brick made of fire clay; used for lining e.g. furnaces and chimneys