Figaro no yours . figaro come from the milkman Figaro不是你的. figaro是送奶工人的
Mozart overture zur oper " die hochzeit des figaro 莫扎特费加罗婚礼序曲
" you haven t read the figaro article , have you “你没有读费加罗报上的那篇文章吗?
It ' ' s figaro . figaro is a cat 是阿菲。阿菲是一只猫。
David : it ` s called figaro ` s . it ` s a 1 ) mediterranean restaurant 大卫:店名是费加洛。是一家地中海料理的餐厅。
Figaro and the count in the marriage of figaro , amonasro in 二四年,他在萨克森国家歌剧院获颁赠宫廷歌手的荣衔。
Lady bareacres , what did you make ofthe new figaro ? i thought it was quite interesting 贝亚爱格思夫人,您这只新手袋是什么做的?我觉得十分有意思
His article s a very long one . " she was flattered to think that the figaro should concern itself about her person 她很得意,写她的那篇文章,竟然登在费加罗报上。
" perhaps madame has not seen the papers . there s a very nice article in the figaro . " he had brought the journal “太太大概没有看报吧费加罗报上登了一篇很好的文章。 ”
But on hearing the name fauchery the countess raised her head and with a certain reserve complimented the paragraphist on his articles in the figaro 她用一句分寸得当的话来赞扬这位专栏作者在费加罗报上发表的文章。