I fended off his sword thrust with my spear . 他一刀砍来,我拿枪架住。
He dodged and fended off silently . 他一声不吭地躲闪着,推让着。
She fended off foxes and hawks with nothing more than a garden hoe . 她仅凭一把花锄,就可以赶跑狐狸和老鹰。
I had to keep from being crushed, to fend off continuous attack . 我必须不让自己被压服和提防连续不断的攻击。
The man fended him off, laughing in a hoarse tone that had no humor in it . 那人把他挡开,一面哑声地笑着,笑得很无趣。
The hordes of the uninvited have to be fended off by the intervention of the police . 那些未被邀请的围观者不得不由警方出面阻拦。
The next day it was agreed that alan should fend for himself till sunset . 第二天,我们商定先由艾伦自个儿去躲着,一直等到太阳落山。
Cattle left outdoors to fend for themselves thrived on this god-given hay . 在户外放养靠自己觅食的牛群,就靠吃这种天赐的干草而繁衍。
In ungulates, the young are born in an advanced stage of development and can fend for themselves in a few days . 有蹄目动物的幼仔出生时处于发育的高级阶段,能够在几天内照料自己。
The two stood fronting each other, not noticing the stranger in the grass-the boy pressing on, the girl fending off . 两个人面对面站着,没有注意到草里躺着的外人,男的逼上前去,女的闪避着。