vt. (felt; felt) 1.触,摸;试探。 2.感觉,觉得;感知。 3.【军事】侦探(敌情等)。 4.想,认为,以为 (that). 5.(无生物)受到…的作用,受影响于。 6.〔 feel oneself〕 有…的感觉。 feel sb.'s pulse 按脉;试探某人的意图。 feel a friend's death 痛惜友人的死亡。 feel music 为音乐所感动。 I feel that you are right. 我以为你说得对。 The ship feels the helm. 船随舵转动。 She felt herself slighted. 她感到自己受轻视。 vi. 1.有感觉;有感情作用。 2.摸上去有…感觉;像要。 3.体谅,同情。 4.摸索着寻找。
Ice and snow feel cold. 冰雪摸上去是冷的。 This room feels hot. (人在)这间屋子里觉得热。 feel bad 有病;心情不好。 feel sad 觉得心酸。 feel sure 有把握。 feel one's pocket for a dime 在衣袋里摸找角币。 Can animal feel 动物有感情吗? feel about [after] 摸索,探寻,探查。 feel as if [though] 觉得仿佛。 feel at home 畅快,舒松。 feel cheap 觉得丢脸。 feel empty 觉得饿。 feel for 1. 侦探(敌情)探摸。 2. 同情,体谅(feel for the poor 同情穷人)。 feel free to 可以随便。 feel funny 感到不舒服,总觉得不对劲儿。 feel ... in one's bones 深切感到。 feel like 1. 像要…似的(It feels like rain. 像要下雨似的)。 2. 摸上去像是…(It feels like glass. 那摸上去像玻璃)。 feel like a boiled rag 觉得很不舒服,觉得虚弱无力。 feel like a fighting cock 精神健旺。 feel like a fish out of water 如鱼出水,感到不得其所。 feel like a million dollars 〔美口〕感觉身体很好。 feel like ...ing 觉得想…(I don't feel like taking a walk. 我不想散步。 feel like putting one on 〔美国〕很想上前帮助一下)。 feel like [quite] oneself 觉得自在舒畅,沉着,镇定。 feel low 意气消沉。 feel mean 〔美国〕感觉难为情。 feel of 〔美国〕摸摸看。 feel one's legs [feet, wings] 相信自己的能力,自信。 feel one's way 摸索着走;行动谨慎。 feel out 探明,摸清。 feel seedy 觉得不舒服。 feel shaky 感到没有把握;感到不舒服。 feel slack 没精打采。 feel strongly about 对…抱有明确的态度。 feel the need of [for] 对…感到需要。 feel up [equal] to 〔口语〕以为能承担,觉得能够胜任(I don't feel up to a long hike today. 我今天不能走远路)。 feel with 同情。 n. 触,摸;触觉,感觉;感受。 Let me have a feel。 让我摸一摸。 get the feel of sth. 掌握[学会,熟悉]某事。 to the feel 在触觉上 (rough to the feel 摸起来很粗糙)。
an intuitive awareness; "he has a feel for animals" or "it''s easy when you get the feel of it";
the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people; "the feel of the city excited him"; "a clergyman improved the tone of the meeting"; "it had the smell of treason" 同义词:spirit, tone, feeling, flavor, flavour, look, smell,
be conscious of a physical, mental, or emotional state; "My cold is gone--I feel fine today"; "She felt tired after the long hike"; "She felt sad after her loss"
have a feeling or perception about oneself in reaction to someone''s behavior or attitude; "She felt small and insignificant"; "You make me feel naked"; "I made the students feel different about themselves"
come to believe on the basis of emotion, intuitions, or indefinite grounds; "I feel that he doesn''t like me"; "I find him to be obnoxious"; "I found the movie rather entertaining" 同义词:find,
examine by touch; "Feel this soft cloth!"; "The customer fingered the sweater" 同义词:finger,
pass one''s hands over the sexual organs of; "He felt the girl in the movie theater"
examine (a body part) by palpation; "The nurse palpated the patient''s stomach"; "The runner felt her pulse" 同义词:palpate,
undergo an emotional sensation or be in a particular state of mind; "She felt resentful"; "He felt regret" 同义词:experience,
perceive by a physical sensation, e.g., coming from the skin or muscles; "He felt the wind"; "She felt an object brushing her arm"; "He felt his flesh crawl"; "She felt the heat when she got out of the car" 同义词:sense,
undergo passive experience of:"We felt the effects of inflation"; "her fingers felt their way through the string quartet"; "she felt his contempt of her"
grope or feel in search of something; "He felt for his wallet"
produce a certain impression; "It feels nice to be home again"
find by testing or cautious exploration; "He felt his way around the dark room"
be felt or perceived in a certain way; "The ground feels shaky"; "The sheets feel soft"
"To feel" means to have feeling or feelings.
feelとは意味:1feel n. 手ざわり, 感触; 感じ, 気配; 《口語》 直感, センス. 【動詞+】 ◆I haven't got the feel of the new car yet. まだこの新車に慣れていない ◆She hates the feel of the blanket against her skin. 毛布の肌ざわりを嫌う ◆Let me have a feel (of it). (そ...