

  • 选项
  • 硬盘分区命令
  • 中的提示信息



  • 例句与用法
  • It can be created in the fdisk expert menu
  • The newer versions of linux fdisk and disk druid will not cause problems
    新版本的linux fdisk和disk druid不会导致这种问题。
  • If the originally hard disk is not exist , you can use a new hard disk , fdisk and format it
  • This could be a physical disk or some subset of the physical disk space such as an fdisk partition
  • It s medium - safe to futz with fdisk , as changes are not written to disk until you give the command to do so
  • Some old hands like to work with fdisk if you don t know what fdisk is , don t choose it ; others are comfortable letting red hat carve up their disk for them
    一些老手喜欢用fdisk (如果您不知道fdisk是什么,那就别选) ;另一些则乐于让red hat为他们进行磁盘分区。
  • Dos fdisk or powerquest pqboot command - line utilities can alter the active partition attribute so that the os on the primary partition selected on the first physical hard disk is allowed to load
    Dos fdisk或powerquest pqboot命令行实用程序可以改变活动分区属性,以便允许装入在第一个物理硬盘上选择的活动分区上的os 。
  • The solution is simply a matter of having a win95 boot floppy with fdisk . exe on it and , after booting from it , issuing the command fdisk mbr to restore the master boot record from the copy lilo made
    解决方案是使用具有fdisk . exe的win95启动软盘,从该软盘启动之后,发出命令fdisk / mbr来从lilo所作的副本恢复主引导记录。
  • 525d - 1 dual - bay enclosure , must set the cdrw to master , other device such as hdd set to slave , however toast 5 . 02 titanium is cannot detect correctly . q10 : i installed new 60gb hdd with bb - fweide35 enclosure , i cannot see the " e : " drive in my computer , but in device manager can find " ieee1394 disk " , why ? please type " fdisk " in ms - dos prompt , and choose " 5 " , then you can see the drive available
    可以,需在windows 98se me设定: "系统"中的"装置管理员"磁碟机"选择该装置"设定值"选择"抽取型" ,这样便可不过速度会慢一些亦可在"系统"中的"效能"抽取型磁碟"选择"启动抽取型磁碟机的延写入快取记忆体处区"来提升速度。
  • Thirdly , it discusses the disk partition table carefully , with the famous program fdisk ' s application , and concludes the fdisk program writing partition table method . fourthly , it makes much more words in the certain file systems and correlative structures , analysing the fat16 , fat32 file system in detail
    接着,对磁盘的分区结构进行了详解,结合了在众多操作系统中(包括windows )被广泛使用的分区应用程序fdisk程序的使用,对其划分后的多组分区数据表进行了实验研究,总结归纳了fdisk分区后的分区表数据规则,为日后的分区表改写作了理论准备。
  • 百科解释
On personal computer operating systems, fdisk (for "fixed disk") is a commonly used name for a command-line utility that provides disk partitioning functions. In versions of the Windows NT operating system line from Windows 2000 onwards, fdisk is replaced by more advanced tool called diskpart
  • 推荐英语阅读
fdisk的中文翻译,fdisk是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译fdisk,fdisk的中文意思,fdisk的中文fdisk in Chinesefdisk的中文fdisk怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
