We are coming to a farmyard -- i suppose we can just walk through . 我们来到一个农家场院我看我们可以径直走着穿过去。
There is a tractor in this farmyard 在这个农家庭院里停着一台拖拉机。
We ' re coming to a farmyard i suppose we can just walk through 我们来到一个农家场院- -我看我们可以径直走著穿过去
We ' re coming to a farmyard i suppose we can just walk through 我们来到一个农家场院- -我看我们可以径直走著穿过去
Fox was prowling round a farmyard one day when he saw a cockerel standing on a grassy mound 一天,一只狐狸在农场附近觅食,看到一只公鸡站在草垛上。
A fox was prowling round a farmyard one day when he saw a cockerel standing on a grassy mound 一天,一只狐狸在农场附近觅食,看到一只公鸡站在草垛上。
It seemed to be merely an ordinary farmyard , with one big red lantern hanging on each side of the door 从外面看不过是普通的农家院,门口高悬两盏红灯笼。
Retreating to the farmyard , the mouse proclaimed the warning . " there is a mousetrap in the house , there is a mousetrap in the house ! 逃回牧场,老鼠郑重地发出警告: “屋子里有个捕鼠器,屋子里有个捕鼠器! ”
The ugly duckling is printed in blue and portrays the farmyard birds surrounding the troubled young duckling as they tell him how ugly he is “丑小鸭”以蓝色为主色,画面看到丑小鸭惨遭农场鸡鸭嘲弄的可怜相。
A cock , scratching in the farmyard for food for the hens , turned up a precious stone that shone and sparked in the sun 公鸡在农家的庭院里用爪子搔呀刨呀,为母鸡觅食。他从地里翻出了一粒宝石,那粒宝石在阳光下闪闪发光。
farmyardとは意味:{名} : 農家{のうか}の庭 There were many chickens in the farmyard. その農家の庭にはたくさんのニワトリがいた。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【レベル】8、【@】ファームヤード、【変化】《複》farmyards、【分節】...