falsifiest vt. ; 误述,误传;把…颠倒黑白;歪曲(事实): ; to falsify facts, issue, etc. ; 歪曲事实、问题等等 ; 窜改(记录、文件等),伪造: ; He falsified his birth certificate to get a passport. ; 为了取得护照,他伪造了出生证明。 ; 改变公认的规则(或形式): ; A poet sometimes falsifies accent. ; 诗人有时改变词的重音。 ; 证明…是假(或无根据)的: ; to falsify their hopes ; 证明他们的希望是毫无根据的 ; The old theory has been falsified by new evidence. ; 新的证据证明老的理论是错误的。 ; vi. ; 撒谎;作假: ; 撒谎;作假: ; She falsified in her answer. ; 她回答问题时撒谎。 ; 变形: ; vt. ; falsified ; . falsifying
falsifiers (falsifier 的复数) n. 伪造者, 撒谎的人, 伪证的人 ; [法] 犯罪的假现场
Three factors falsified his expectations . 有三个因素使他的希望落了空。
Why trouble to do a risky thing like falsifying figures ? 为什么要冒险去编造假数字呢?
Her hopes have been falsified . 她的希望已落空。
The new discoveries have falsified that hypothesis .. 新的发现已证明那个假定是无根据的。
An adverse economic forecast will stimulate action intended to falsify it . 不利的经济预报将会刺激人们作出使预报失灵的行动。
I would falsify the attendance records by filling out membership cards with fictitious names . 我将在出席记录上弄虚作假,用伪造的名字填写会员证。
Another rumor had it that the white officer had been a southerner and had deliberately falsified grandpa's papers . 还传说那位白人军官是个南方人,他是故意把姥爷的表格填错的。
The output of factories, hours flown by aircraft squadrons, reports of inspection commissions, and sales figure are often falsified . 工厂的产量,空军中队的飞行小时,检查委员会的报告以及销售额等常常被篡改。
This book's author falsified all the stories 这本书的作者虚构了所有的故事。
Clients can falsify or choose not to present a 客户端可伪造或选择不提供