This usage makes the extrovert and the introvert seem to stand for opposed personality types . 这种用法使得外向者和内向者似乎代表相反的性格类型。
Captain fulme had entered his bed that night a buoyant extrovert and left it the next morning a brooding introvert . 那天晚上上床时,弗卢姆上尉是个活泼愉快的外倾性格的人,第二天早晨起床时,他却变成了一个抑郁沉思的内倾性格的人了。
She ' s a good person to invite to a party because she ' s such an extrovert 最好把她邀来参加聚会,因为她很爱交际
And some looked at personality : are you an extrovert or an introvert 还有一些则涉及个性:你的性格内向还是外向?
A good salesman is usually an extrovert , who likes to mingle with people 一个好的推销员通常很外向,喜欢和人们交往。
Extroverts prefer lively conversation to brooding on the meaning of life 性格外向的人喜欢高谈阔论,而不愿思索人生的意义
Extroverts tend to lack self - discipline while introverts lack courage 性格外向的人往往缺乏自我约束力而内向的人则缺乏勇气
Extroverts tend to lack self - discipline while introverts lack courage 性格外向的人缺乏自我约束力,而性格内向的人则缺乏勇气。
Always a supremely confident extrovert , mailer at times seemed like a publicity - seeking clown 由于总是过分外币,梅勒有时追逐名利的小丑。
Fianna tend to be extroverts who enjoy parties and gatherings of all kinds 芬尼安整体性格倾向于外向,所以他们喜欢找来各种各样的家伙扎堆。