Either way i shall keep the faith, carrying on until the eviction order comes . 不管怎样我都将保持自己的信念,继续努力直到驱逐的命令传来。
He's had nowhere to live since his eviction 他自从被驱逐出住所以来,就一直无处栖身
He's had nowhere to live since his eviction 他自从被驱逐出住所以来,就一直无处栖身
He is fighting an eviction order in court 他正通过法庭对驱逐令表示反对。
There have been a lot of evictions in this district recently 本区近来已经发生多起驱逐房客的事件
Notice of eviction 收回房舍通知书
eviction of trespasser 驱逐侵入者
The report calls beijing's evictions a flagrant violation of people's right to adequate housing 这个报告称北京强迫拆迁公然违犯民众拥有适当住房的权力。
The report calls beijing's evictions a flagrant violation of people's right to adequate housing 这个报告称北京强迫拆迁公然违犯民众拥有适当住房的权力。
But now lawyers acting for 300 people fighting eviction argue that the city must provide alternative accommodation, preferably in the same area 但现在有律师为300人代理,反对驱逐行为,要求城市必须提供替代住所,而且最好是在同一地区。