Fly pollination of antidesma montanum euphorbiaceae in hainan , china 山地五月茶的蝇类传粉研究
The sesults show that there were 48 species ( variety ) of plant belonging to 14 families as hosts of b . tabaci , among which cucurbitaceae , solanaceae , cruciferae , euphorbiaceae , labiatae , leguminosae and malvaceae are the main host families , and the plants of families of cucurbitaceae and solanaceae are damaged most seriously 结果表明,烟粉虱的寄主有14科48种(变种) ,主要寄主植物是葫芦科、茄科、十字花科、豆科、锦葵科、菊科等;其中,茄科和葫芦科的植物受害最重。
The results showed that 345 species , belonging to 179 genera , 77 families were distributed in this area , taking a ratio of 71 . 3 % , 45 . 1 % and 42 . 4 % in chinese oil plants respectively , 11 families including euphorbiaceae , lauraceae , ulmaceae , rutaceae , magnoliaceae , celastraceae , leguminosae , rosaceae , cruiferae , compositae and caprifoliaceae were dominant families that had 10 or more species . 66 species of important oil plants were briefly introduced 结果表明,该区油脂植物共有77科179属345种,占全国油脂植物科属种的71 . 3 % 、 45 . 1 % 、 42 . 4 % ,含10种以上的科有大戟科、樟科、榆科、芸香科、木兰科、卫矛科、豆科、蔷薇科、十字花科、菊科和忍冬科等11个科,为该地区油脂植物的优势类群。
The distribution and harm of species of dominant weeds of lawn vary with different area , and the most harmful weeds belong 8 families , which were poaceae , asteraceae , cyperaceae , amaranthaceae , euphorbiaceae , polygonaceae , fabaceae and caryophyllaceae , about accounted for from sixty percent to seventy percent in all weeds in lawn 摘要不同地区草坪优势杂草的种类不尽相同,禾本科、菊科、莎草科、苋科、大戟科、蓼科、豆科和石竹科等8个科的杂草种类和发生数量最多,约占杂草总数的60 % ~ 70 % 。
Euphorbiaceae, the Spurge family are a large family of flowering plants with 300 genera and around 7,500 species. Most are herbs, but some, especially in the tropics, are also shrubs or trees.