

  • adj.



  • 例句与用法
  • Others , recalling germany ' s eugenic practices , have an equally strong abhorrence of genetic - based reproductive decisions
  • The eugenic practice of nazis germany and lisenko ' s school up and down in the former soviet union left us unforgettable lessons
  • Here the message of past eugenic practices is clear . never let a government , no matter how apparently benign , into the process
  • Propagandizing the policy and laws & regulations of family planning , contraceptive birth control , eugenic and superior nurture , the popular science knowledge of reproduction health care and so on
  • These people fear a more powerful eugenic practice , whereby the crude racial and class prejudices of early eugenicists are replaced by scientific demonstrations of genetic inequality
  • It is a nice irony , given the traditional association of the naturist position with eugenic arguments , that if variation in intelligence really is caused by underlying genetic variation , then the dull are as evolutionarily fit as the clever
    这是一个很巧妙的讽刺,这样自然主义者的传统学会就多了一些关于优生的争论? ?如果智商的波动真的是由潜在基因变体造成的话,那么从进化论的角度来讲,痴呆儿的身体状况就会与高智商儿的状况一样好。
  • In the mild breezes of the west and of the east the lofty trees wave in different directions their first class foliage , the wafty sycamore , the lebanonian cedar , the exalted planetree , the eugenic eucalyptus and other ornaments of the arboreal world with which that region is thoroughly well supplied
  • Thus there is a kind of amorphous and ill - defined eugenic system , based on belief in heredity and often placing great emphasis on menti ( literally " door and home " or lineage or family standing ) , but in any case based on standards of desirability in the health , beauty and breeding of the bride as seen by the eyes of the parents or grandparents of the family
    因此,这个家族理想里有一种无定形的,不明确的优生制度,以相信遗传的观念为根据,而且常常极力注重“门第” ,这所谓“门第” ,就是家中的父母或祖父母对于新娘的健康、美丽、和教养等方面所定的标准。
  • Participating the management of childbearing age crowd and monitor before childbirth , carrying out all kinds of birth control operation , consultation of eugenic and superior nurture , extending the contraception and birth control according to relevant stipulation , new technology and method of eugenic and superior nurture , participating and organizing the supervisory work for disabled child
  • The main contributions of this dissertation are as follows : ( 1 ) a eugenic evolution strategy was proposed to improve the efficiency of the conventional simple genetic algorithm ( sga ) searching . the eugenic evolution genetic algorithm ( ega ) collects the population information along the evolution of children generations and constructs a deterministic optimization algorithm , which will be embedded in the evolution process at appropriate stage to speed up the local searching
    由于优化方法在建模中有相当重要的作用,因此,接着对具有全局寻优性能的遗传算法进行了较为深入的研究,提出了基于优生演进策略的遗传算法( ega ) ,使寻优性能有较大的提高,并成功应用于化工领域中重油热解模型参数的估计。
  • 英文解释
  • pertaining to or causing improvement in the offspring produced

  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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