Grant no . 8 eucharistic communion and spiritual communion 第8项颁赐
Grant no . 7 eucharistic adoration and procession 第7项颁赐
The eucharistic liturgy is celebrated 分有圣体弥撒。
2 eucharistic communion 二善领圣体。
4 participate devoutly in the customary solemn eucharistic rite at the close of a eucharistic congress -参与惯常在圣体大会终结前举行的隆重圣祭礼仪。
2 . 10 all priests and eucharistic ministers should individually wash their hands before and after giving holy communion 2 . 10司铎及送圣体员,在送圣体前后必须个别冲洗双手。
3 . 2 priests and eucharistic ministers may resume regular home visits and give holy communion to the sick or the elderly at home 3 . 2司铎和送圣体员可照常到病人及长者家傅油
2 . 10 all priests and eucharistic ministers should individually cleanse their hands with water or disinfectant before giving holy communion 2 . 10司铎及送圣体员,在送圣体前必须个别冲洗或消毒双手。
I do hope that during this eucharistic year more and more space be created for this devotion so ardently recommended by the holy father 希望在圣体年内我们能为这教宗极力鼓励的敬礼提供更多的机会。