

  • 爱杀松
  • 乙硫磷



  • 例句与用法
  • Method for determination of dichlorvos , diazinon , fenchlorphos , chlorpyrifos , fenitrothion , parathion , ethion , coumaphos residues in meat and meat products for export
  • More than 70 % of the amount of ethion , dicofol , and cyhalothrin uptaken by canna maintened at roots , and this ratio increased with the decreasing of water solubility of the pesticide
    Ss 。美人蕉吸收的乙硫磷、三氯杀螨醇和三氟氯氰菊酯中,有voo , o以上富集于植物根系中,且在根系中的富集程度随农药水溶解度的下降而增加。
  • The concentrations of ethion , dicofol , and cyhalothrin in planted willow cutting soils were decreased to 1 . 65 mg / kg , 0 . 07 rag / kg , and 0 . 23 % nig / kg respectively from 5 mg / kg in 8 weeks of treatment in field condition , which were 80 . 88 % , 3 . 93 % , and 39 . 66 % as those in unplanted soils
    培养8周后,乙硫磷、三氯杀螨醇和三氟氯氰菊酯在种植柳树扦插苗土壤中的残留浓度分别由5mg儿g下降到1石smg以g 、 0 07mg版g和0 23mg儿g ,分别为不种植任何植物的对照土壤中的残留浓度的so
  • There were no visible morphological change in water hyacinth exposed to a mixture of ethion , dicofol , fenvalerate , fenpropathrin , deltamethrin , and cyhalothrin with the concentrations of 0 . 01 mg / l , 0 . 1 mg / l , and 1 mg / l , but the fresh biomasses were increased by 49 . 79 % , 40 . 34 % , and 83 . 88 % respectively compared to those planted in water solutions without pesticides
    植物在5mg kg三氯杀螨醇及50mg kg和5mg kg乐果的环境中生长良好。动力学研究结果表明,植物对有机农药的净化过程符合一级动力学反应。凤眼莲对水溶液中有机农药的净化效率很高。
  • The dissipation rate constants of malathion and methyl parathion with a concentration of 3 mg / l , and ethion , dicofol , and cyhalothrin with a concentration of 0 . 5 mg / l in 2000 ml of 55 - 60 g canna planted water sulution were respectively increased by 77 . 66 % , 117 . 44 % , 64 . 80 % , 38 . 11 % , and 15 . 35 % compared to those in unplanted water solutions
    62mg几。在植物修复过程中,凤眼莲的直接吸收积累与降解起主要作用,而微生物降解的作用除对乐果的净化与植物吸收积累的作用相当外,对其他农药则相对较小。与不种植植物的对照相比, 50乃0g美人蕉对2000ml分别含有3mg几的马拉硫磷、甲基对硫磷及0
  • The removal dynamics of pesticides by plants was corresponded with the first order kinetic reaction . the half lives of dimethoate , malathion , and methyl parathion with a concentration of 10 mg / l , ethion , dicofol , and cyhalothrin with a concentration of 1 mg / l in 250 ml planted with 10 - 11 g water hyacinth were 236 hrs , 77 hrs , 25 hrs , 65 hrs , 62hrs , and 80 hrs , and those in unplanted water solutions were 338 hrs , 274 hrs , 226 hrs , 236 hrs , 114 hrs , and 365 hrs respectively
    浓度分别为10mg l的乐果、马拉硫磷和甲基对硫磷及ling l乙硫磷、三氯杀螨醇和三氟氯氰菊酯250ml在104凤眼莲培养液中的半衰期为236hr 、 77br 、 25hr 、 65hr 、 62hr和80hr ,而无凤眼莲对照培养液中的半衰期分别为338hr 、 274hr 、 226hr 、 236hr 、 114hr和365hr ,其降解速率分别提高了43
  • 其他语种释义
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