The escarpments are sustained by rock . 这些垅岗由岩石构成。
Such cuestas may be either erosional escarpments or fault scarps . 这类单面山既可以是侵蚀山崖也可以是断层崖。
A thin, resistant limestone escarpment is present just basinward . 薄层状的坚硬的石灰岩山崖正好位于靠盆地一侧。
By coincidence or other wise, the largest channel is exposed in the beaver divide escarpment . 由于巧合或其他原因,最大通道在比佛迪维特陡壁区出露的位置。
And yet, many of these escarpments hide sites where humans dispose of all sorts of waste 然而,很多这样的悬崖峭壁实际上是人类倾倒各种各样的垃圾的地方。
Situated on the edge of the cotswolds escarpment, above the vale of berkeley and the river severn, it is a picturesque village 位于科茨沃尔德丘陵地带的边缘,在伯克利谷和塞文河的上游,它是一个风格独特的村庄。
This site, comprising several protected areas, is situated predominantly along the great escarpment on australia's east coast 中东部雨林保护区由若干个受到保护的区域组成,主要分布于澳大利亚东海岸的大陡坡附近。
In time she reached the edge of the vast escarpment below which stretched the loamy vale of blackmoor, now lying misty and still in the dawn 不久,她走到了那片宽大的斜坡边缘,斜坡下面就是黑荒原谷的大片沃土,现在还隐匿在雾霭里,沉睡在黎明中。
Sharply dividing these two distinct topographic terraines is the balcones fault which forms a northeast-southwest line through the western half of austin, creating the balcones escarpment 做为两个不同地形分界线的是形成西南东北方向,穿过奥斯汀西部的balcones断层。
I remember the simple and elegant grace of the dances of the natives, dressed in brightly colored robes, salient against the tranquil backdrop of gently flowing streams and rocky escarpments 我仍然记得当地的人穿著色彩鲜艳的衣袍,在淙淙徐流的小溪和石崖峭的景色前简单而优美地舞蹈。