The president sent a special envoy to the peace talks . 总统派了一名特使参加和平谈判。
At 8∶30 a. m. on july 12, vichy envoys arrived to sue for an armistice . 7月12日上午八时半,维希方面的特使前来请求停战。
I suppose envoys came to rome in those days on errands just as strange . 我猜想当初一定也有许多使者带着同样神密的使命来到罗马。
When virabumi's capital was taken some members of the suite of the chinese envoy were killed there, 当威拉布弥的首都被占领时,中国使团的一些随从人员在那里被害。
But it was, evident to me that here was an envoy from the president of supreme importance to our life . 但是,我清楚地意识到,和我们在一起的有一位对于我们生存关系重大的总统特使。
They seemed to me like envoys from the populace who were condemned to witness the tragedy from front-row seats . 在我看来,他们有如人民的使者,注定着要身临其境充当这出悲剧的见证人。
It seemed that all the declarations, true or boastful, of german might have by no means convinced the japanese envoy . 看来,关于德国威力的一切陈述,无论是事实还是夸张,都没有使这位日本特使信服。
The chinese monarch neither neglected the message as heraclius did, nor insulted the envoys after the fashion of the parricide kavadh . 中国皇帝既没有象赫拉克利乌斯那样对那封信置之不理,也没有照弑亲者卡瓦德那样侮辱送信的人。
Bush also appointed, as our envoy to afghanistan . . 布什还指派了枣梅.卡勒扎..