The colour is used as a synonym for environmentalism 这种颜色已经成了环境保护论的同义词。
Environmentalism in the world a different views 一种不同的观点
Eco - environmentalism and administration under governments at different levels 生态中心主义和地方主权视角下的政府管理
Tesco is also reacting to environmentalism by presenting itself as both healthy and green 乐购还通过把自己表现得健康和绿色来回应环保主义。
It will also prove a handicap in dealing with environmentalism , another emerging threat to the business 对埃克森发展的另一个潜在威胁是环保。
In the 21st century , environmentalism and energy sources have been to the two major topics in the world 21世纪环保和能源问题成为全球的两大重要课题。
And we could look honestly at the impact of radical environmentalism on our ability to drill for oil 我们也要真诚地看待激进的环境保护论者关于我们使用汽油能力的批评。
At the theoretical level , there is an intrinsic conflict between ej and non - anthropocentric environmentalism 在理论的层次,环境正义与根源于自然中心主义的环境主义间,存在著难解的矛盾。
The hippy ideal is also still present ; these festivals often associate themselves with progressive causes , including in particular environmentalism 嬉皮士的理想仍然存在;这些音乐节都有自己进步的理想,特别是环保主义。
A broad movement characterized by alternative approaches to traditional western culture , with an interest in spirituality , mysticism , holism , and environmentalism 一场广泛的以另类方式实践传统西方文化的运动,它对灵性神秘主义整体论和环境保护主义怀有浓厚兴趣。