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用"enteroviral"造句"enteroviral"怎么读"enteroviral" in a sentence


  • 肠簿的


  • Seminar to promote vigilance against enteroviral infection
  • Prevent enteroviral infection
  • Meanwhile , the spokesman urged the public to stay alert to the threat of enteroviral infection and to adopt the following preventive measures
    发言人同时呼吁市民保持警觉性,积极采取以下预防措施预防ev - 71感染
  • The research advance in detecting enteroviral gene in myocardial tissue with viral myocarditis and the application prospect in forensic pathology
  • He said the seminar was held to promote vigilance against enteroviral infection in childcare centres , where this disease commonly occurs
  • Enteroviruses can cause a variety of clinical syndromes including hand foot and mouth disease , acute haemorrhagic conjunctivitis , paralysis etc . however , enteroviral infections are mostly subclinical . they affect mainly children
  • The department of health and the social welfare department today may 27 held a seminar on enteroviral infection for staff members of childcare centres and reminded them to strictly observe personal and environmental hygiene to prevent the disease
  • The department of health and the social welfare department today ( may 27 ) held a seminar on enteroviral infection for staff members of childcare centres and reminded them to strictly observe personal and environmental hygiene to prevent the disease
  • He said the seminar was held to promote vigilance against enteroviral infection in childcare centres , where this disease commonly occurs . staff who attended the event were briefed on the symptoms and characteristics of the disease , and how to take effective preventive measures in their institutions
    他说讲座的目的是加强幼儿中心工作人员的警惕性,因肠病毒感染较易于幼儿中心发生。 ?生署人员向参加者讲解有关肠病毒感染的特性及徵状,及院舍应采取的预防措施。
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