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用"electronmicroscope"造句"electronmicroscope"怎么读"electronmicroscope" in a sentence


  • 电子显微镜


  • Three kinds of parasporal crystals of bipyramidal , cubical and embedded shapes were observed under an electronmicroscope
    建立了一个利用电转化技术构建遗传改良工程菌的新模式。 3
  • Based on the lexicological biochemistry and ultrastructure , effects of heavy mental on 5 . yangtsekiense had been studied in this paper by means of transmission electronmicroscope ( tem ) and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis ( page )
  • The histologic lesions were characterized by the remarkable atrophy of intestinal villi , basal vacuolation of enterocytes , increment of the crypt and the villus - to - crypt ratio had significantly decrease . compared with that of noninoculated control chicks . besides . intestinal villi become thin and flat . or cubic , also accompanied with necrosis . many villous enterocytes were detached from the lamina propria and the lamina propria contained a diffuse infiltrate of lymphocytes , plasma cells , macrophages . the characteristic ultrastructural changes observed by electronmicroscope were swelled mitochondria and dilated endo - plasticreticulum . ribosome on the surface of endo - plasticreticulum fall off and the number of ribosome within the cell decrease
    动物回归试验中接种两周龄spf鸡, 24h后陆续发病,表现为持续性水样腹泻;剖检可见病鸡脱水、小肠内有大量的液体和气泡、肠粘膜变薄;组织学变化为肠绒毛上皮坏死、脱落,绒毛平均长度减少而隐窝深度增加,固有层中淋巴细胞浸润。其临床症状及病理组织学变化与自然发病相同。
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