A true electrolyte consists of ions in the pure state . 真正的电解质在纯态下由离子组成。
The potassium hydroxide electrolyte is forced into the cells just before use . 在开始使用前把氢氧化钾电介质压入蓄电池。
A liquid junction is the interface between two miscible electrolyte solutions . 液体接界是两个可混溶液的电解质溶液之间的界面。
The electrolyte within the glass electrode is an acid solution of definite strength . 玻璃电极中的电解质是具有一定浓度的酸溶液。
A large part of the current will short-circuit these grains by passing through the electrolyte of the rock . 大部分电流只从岩石中的电解液通过而短路掉这些颗粒。
The major factors causing death are electrolyte imbalance and dehydration, leading to cardiac arrest . 引起死亡的主要原因是电解质的不平衡和脱水,导致心脏停搏。
An additional factor which can affect solubility of a pesticide is the presence of electrolytes in the solution . 能影响农药溶解度的另一个因素是溶液中电解质的存在。
Cytoplasm and the extracellular fluid that surrounds cells contain significant amounts of dissolved electrolytes . 细胞质和围绕着细胞的细胞外液体含有大量溶解的电解质。
With the other hand, squeeze the bulb which forms pressure in the cell and forces air and (or) electrolyte through any leaks that may be present in the sealing compound . 另一方面,压挤橡胶球,使单格电池内部产生压力,迫使空气和(或)电解液穿过封口剂上任何可能存在的缝隙。
Safety of primary batteries with aqueous electrolyte 含水电解质原电池的安全性