Opening the gulf of eilat to israel shipping 开幕海湾埃拉特以色列航运
“ there is still a degree of confusion over who exactly launched the attack in eilat 究竟是谁在埃拉特发动了袭击仍然不明。
“ there is still a degree of confusion over who exactly launched the attack in eilat “此次袭击的发动者到底是谁仍令人摸不着头脑” 。
“ there is still a degree of confusion over who exactly launched the attack in eilat “对于究竟是谁策划了在埃拉特的袭击仍不太明确。
Palestinian suicide bomber has struck in the israeli resort of eilat on the red sea 一名巴勒斯坦人弹袭击了红海的以色列度假胜地埃拉特。
Palestinian suicide bomber has struck in the israeli resort of eilat on the red sea 一名巴勒斯坦自杀弹客袭击了以色列红海旅游胜地埃拉特。
“ there is still a degree of confusion over who exactly launched the attack in eilat 一名巴勒斯坦人体炸弹袭击了以色列红海岸的旅游城市埃拉特。
Palestinian suicide bomber has struck in the israeli resort of eilat on the red sea 一名巴基斯坦自杀式肉弹在红海边的以色列胜地埃拉特市进行了袭击。
Palestinian suicide bomber has struck in the israeli resort of eilat on the red sea 一个巴勒斯坦的自杀式人肉炸弹在红海沿岸的埃拉特进行了袭击,这里是以色列人经常聚集的地方。
" the key point is that the gulf of eilat is an oligotrophic sea , a sea that does not have nitrogen at all , " loya explained 洛亚解释道: “关键是埃拉特海湾是一片营养贫乏、完全不含氮的海域。 ”