I perceied that the eil clung on the ceiling of the clinic was deceit 我觉察到粘附在诊所天花板上的幔子是个骗局
It is the source of all eil 它是万恶之源泉。
It may be seen as the most eil apparatus in the kitchen , but microwaing is far better than boiling 它可能被视为厨房最讨厌的家什,但微波要远优于烹煮。
The experiment was conducted to estimate the economic injury level ( eil ) and economic threshold ( et ) of b . tabaci 摘要研究了烟粉虱在黄瓜上的经济损害水平和经济阈值。
Croatia : married female relaties remoe the bride " s eil and replace it with a kerchief and apron , symbols of her new married status 克罗地亚:由已婚的女性亲戚摘下新娘的面纱,换上一块头巾和一条围裙,意味着新娘的已婚新身份。
When the cucumber plant grew into the 4 - leaf stage , the eil of b . tabaci was 9 . 3159 % ; the et of b . tabaci was about 18 . 4474 adults / plant , or 4 . 6119 adults / leaf 黄瓜幼苗4叶期时,烟粉虱的经济损害水平为9 . 3159 % ;烟粉虱的经济阈值为每株黄瓜有烟粉虱成虫18 . 4474头,即平均每片黄瓜叶有成虫4 . 6119头。
Poland : reception guests customarily buy a dance with the bride by pining money to her eil of tucking bills into a special bridal purse to build a honeymoon fund 波兰:出席婚礼的宾客要将钱别在新娘的面纱上或者将钱塞入新娘的一个特殊钱包里,以此来“买”得与新娘共舞一曲,而新娘则可以将这些钱积攒起来以供蜜月之用。
After pointing out the econologic problems of yangtz basin , such as water and eil erosion , sediment disposal , flood damage , and degradation of water qulity , this thesis analyses the relation between sichuan hydroelectric power exploitation and construction of econologic screen in upper region of yangtz 本文就四川水电开发与长江上游生态屏障建设作了分析,指出目前长江流域存在水土流失、泥沙淤积、洪涝灾害、水环境质量日趋恶化等问题及长江上游生态屏障建设的重点。