He was almost ecstatically exasperated by kemp's treachery . 开普的叛变几乎使他发疯。
Nana gazed ecstatically at the vast plain beneath the grey sky where great clouds were banked up . 娜娜狂喜地瞪着那大块浮云堆积着的苍天底下一片无垠的原野。
Nana gazed ecstatically at the vast plain beneath the gray sky where great clouds were banked up 娜娜喜出望外地眺望灰色天空下的那片一望无垠的原野,只见天空中乌云密布。
The maenad on the left of the idol is ladling wine into a drinking cup , while the other two maenads dance ecstatically 当另外两个女祭司入神地舞蹈著,神像左边的女祭司正以杓子舀取酒,装进酒杯中。
Looking ecstatically at the place where napoleon had stood , though he was no longer there , and at that moment thought themselves happy 神情激动地望着那个拿破仑站过而现在已经离开的地方,那时他们认为自己很幸福。
All with rare exceptions were or looked pretty , so ecstatically they smiled and so rapturously their eyes sparkled 除了少数几个人例外,个个都漂漂亮亮,或者看起来漂漂亮亮,他们都兴高采烈地微笑,两眼闪烁着明亮的光辉。
Within a big blaze of transformative flames he dances ecstatically , exorcising the ugly demons of greedy entanglement with a threatening gesture ; transforming hatred into wisdom with his diamond thunderbolt - sceptre that symbolizes the indestructibility of awareness beyond concepts 金刚手菩萨在熊熊烈火中狂喜的舞著其凶煞狞人的外相驱除了一切邪魔外道?手持金刚杵象征著不灭的佛性能够化?恨为空性。
And he was not the only man who felt thus in those memorable days that preceded the battle of austerlitz : nine - tenths of the men in the russian army were at that moment in love , though less ecstatically , with their tsar and the glory of the russian arms 在奥斯特利茨战役前的那些值得纪念的日子里,不仅他一人体验到这种感情,俄国军队中十分之九的军人都爱上他们自己的沙皇,珍视俄国武装力量的光荣,尽管没有达到那样狂热的程度。