economies,token 《英文msh词典》Economies,Token ; [入口词] Economies,Token ; [主题词] Token Economy ; [英文释义] A practice whereby tokens representing money,toys,candy,etc.,are given as secondary reinforcers contingent upon certain desired behaviors or performances.
economise vigorously and optimise use of resources 政府厉行节约,善用资源
"we can get along if we economise “只要我们节省一些,是能过得去的。
Continuous efforts will be made to economise on the consumption of electricity and paper 本局会继续致力节约用电和减少纸张耗用量。
The difficult economic environment in the past few years has exerted unusually strong demands for economising on the use of public funds 过去几年经济环境困难,公营部门都面对节省公帑的强烈诉求。
Generous to a fault, of course, temperamental, no economising or any idea of the sort, always snapping at the bone for the shadow 这当然是天性喽,落落大方得过了头,完全不懂得节制什么的,总是扑过去咬骨头影儿160。
I measures are taken to economise the use of paper . this includes using the blank side of used paper for drafting, printing on both sides of paper and re-using envelopes, etc i处方已实行多项节约用纸的措施,包括使用只用过一面的纸张起稿双面印刷及影印,以及重复再用信封等。
Measures are taken to economise the use of paper . this includes using the blank side of used paper for drafting, printing on both sides of paper and re-using envelopes, etc 处方已实行多项节约用纸的措施,包括使用只用过一面的纸张起稿、双面印刷及影印,以及重复再用信封等。
On the other hand, in line with the governments economy drive to economise on the use of resources, we will work closely with all green management co-ordinators to achieve savings on all fronts and in all forms 此外,为配合政府节省资源的政策,处方将与绿色管理代表紧密合作,以期透过各种方法,在部门运作的各个范畴上节省资源。
We will economise, enhance efficiency, dispense with redundant services and re-deploy our resources, taking practical measures to prevent any erosion in the quality of public services and ensuring the continuation of the necessary ones 我们也会透过减少浪费提升效率削减不需要的服务和资源重新调配,切实避免政府服务质素下降及确保有需要的服务得以维持。
We will economise, enhance efficiency, dispense with redundant services and re-deploy our resources, taking practical measures to prevent any erosion in the quality of public services and ensuring the continuation of the necessary ones 我们也会透过减少浪费、提升效率、削减不需要的服务和资源重新调配,切实避免政府服务质素下降及确保有需要的服务得以维持。