Time and mode for the pregnancy termination of patients complicated with antepartum eclampsia 产前子痫患者终止妊娠的时机和方式
Preeclampsia / eclampsia and spinal headache comprised 24 % and 16 % of cases , respectively 先兆子痫/子痫和脊柱性头痛分别占24 %和16 % 。
Discussion to terminating the pregnancy when severe pre - eclampsia or eclampsia happened 妊娠期重度子痫前期及子痫问题终止妊娠方式探讨
Results the rate of eclampsia group were higer than those in noeclampsia group 结果子痫组剖宫产、孕产期并发症及围产儿病死率明显高于非子痫组。
Pre - eclampsia may be associated with a virus infection of the fetus , an australian study has found 前子癫症可能与胎儿的一个病毒感染有关,一个澳洲研究已经发现。
Expression and significance of vascular endothelial growth factor in placenta from pregnancy complicated with pre - eclampsia 在不同类型子痫前期患者胎盘组织中的表达及意义
Conclusions in order to reduce the incidence of eclampsia and improve the prognosis of the pregnacy and infant , antenatal monitor should he enhanced from 20 weeks gestation and pregnancy should he ended properly 结论应从20孕周起加强产前监护,及时诊治,适时终止妊娠,以降低子痫发生率,改善母儿预防。
Pre - eclampsia : abnormal condition in pregnancy or postpartum with hypertension , edema , and seizures , cardiac exhaustion , kidney failure , and strokes . if not treated in time it may cause death 子痫是妊娠高血压综合症最严重的阶段,患者会出现抽搐、昏迷、心力衰竭、肾脏功能衰竭等症状,并可发生子宫卒中,脑溢血等并发症,如不及时抢救,可致孕妇死亡。
An extremely large amount of fluid was present at the birth . this normally occurs when a baby has severe deformities or in the case of eclampsia - a condition in which the mothers blood pressure becomes so high that it causes toxic blood to flow into the babys body 妹妹在分娩时排出了非常大量的羊水,通常发生这种异常情况的原因有二:婴儿有严重畸形,或母体出现妊娠毒血症母亲的血压过高,导致有毒的血液流向婴儿的一种病症。
" whereas thrombocytopenia , increased serum creatinine , and ldh leels seem to be of clinical alue in the management of pre - eclampsia , our findings suggest that increased urine inhibin a leels can identify women at high risk for requiring clinically indicated deliery for pre - eclampsia , " they write 然而血小板减少、血清肌酐和ldh水平升高在先兆子痫的治疗中似乎更具有临床价值,我们的发现提示血中抑制素a的水平可以用于区分出临床上需要分娩的兆子痫患者中具有很高危险性的患者。
a toxic condition characterized by convulsions and possibly coma during or immediately after pregnancy