Asked to explain mr . annan ' s comments , u . n . spokesman fred eckhard said the secretary - general had thought he was speaking off the record 当有人要求联合国发言人埃克哈德解释安南的言论时,他说,秘书长当时以为自己的发言是不供引用的。
Asked to explain mr . annan ' s comments , u . n . spokesman fred eckhard said the secretary - general had thought he was speaking off the record 当有人要求联合国发言人埃克哈德解释安南的言论时,他说,秘书长当时以为自己的发言是不供引用的。
It was my fault , said mr . eckhard . i did n ' t tell him that the un tv camera was on and everyone in the building was listening to his remarks 他说: “这是我的错,我没有告诉他联合国电视网的摄像机正在录像,联合国大楼里的每个人都在听他的发言。
Genuine warmth or interest can be revealed in the eyes , suggests dr . eckhard hess of the university of chicago , who believes that the pupils of the eyes can indicate emotion or interest 真正的热情和兴趣可以从眼神当中表现出来,这是芝加哥埃克哈特o赫斯博士提出来的。他认为眼睛的瞳孔可以表达感情和兴趣。
Its nonexecutive chairman and part - owner is eckhard pfeiffer , former ceo of compaq now part of hewlett - packard hpq . " we believe it will revolutionize how people find information on the web , " he said of accoona 最新报导说由名人投资产生的新新网络搜寻引挚公司accoona一心想超越龙头google ,业界却认为就目前的情况, accoona跟本就无法和