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用"eatchip"造句"eatchip"怎么读"eatchip" in a sentence


  • European ATC Harmonization & Integration Programme 欧洲空中交通管制协调和综合计划
  • "eatcl" 中文翻译 :    肠病相关T细胞淋巴瘤
  • "eatche" 中文翻译 :    [网络] 吃掉
  • "eatcls" 中文翻译 :    肠病相关T细胞淋巴瘤 ; (eatcl 的复数)
  • "eatbest" 中文翻译 :     [医]午餐,正餐
  • "eated" 中文翻译 :    vt. ; 吃,食;[主英国英语]喝(汤等): ; to eat a dinner(或 meal) ; 吃一顿(饭菜) ; Tigers eat meat. ; 老虎吃肉。 ; to eat the milk ; 喝牛奶 ; to eat one's tea(或soup) ; 喝茶(或汤) ; 吃完,吃光;耗尽;吞食掉,吞没(常与 away或 up连用): ; The children have been eating away for more than an hour. ; 孩子们一直吃了一个多钟头。 ; Come on,children,eat up! ; 来吧,孩子们,尽情地吃吧! ; 吃得使,吃成某种状况;吃得…;猛吃,耗完;毁坏;吞噬: ; to eat oneself sick ; 吃得要呕吐 ; a forest eaten by fire ; 被大火吞噬的森林 ; (如酸)腐蚀;侵蚀;咬;蛀: ; Acids eat metals. ; 酸会腐蚀金属。 ; The patient was eaten by disease and pain. ; 病人被疾病和痛苦侵袭。 ; 侵蚀成,啮食成;蛀蚀;销蚀: ; The acid ate holes in the cloth. ; 布被酸腐蚀了几个洞。 ; [口语]因(商品滞销、倒账等)被迫承受生意亏损,承担费用(或损失等): ; to eat the damage ; 承受损失 ; 收回,取消(裁决、决议等): ; to eat a decision ; 取消决议 ; [美国口语、俚语]使烦恼,使焦急;烦扰,打扰: ; what's eating him? ; 他有什么烦恼?他有什么揪心的事儿? ; [口语]向…喝彩,向…欢呼: ; to eat a book ; 吹捧一本书 ; 急速驶完: ; The train ate the miles eastwards. ; 火车飞速向东驶去。 ; [美国俚语]完全相信,欣然接受: ; You should not eat his remark. ; 你不应全信他的话。 ; [美国俚语]窝死(球)(接球后无法传出去) ; [俚语、粗俗语]对…行口淫 ; [废语]逆来顺受 ; [俚语]口服麻药 ; vi. ; 吃饭;吃东西,食: ; We'll eat at seven o'clock. ; 我们将于7点吃饭。 ; (食物)吃起来感到;吃起来有(某种)味道: ; It eats crisp. ; 这东西吃起来很松脆。 ; 咬;啮;蛀坏;腐蚀;侵蚀;耗尽;逐渐耗某物(常与 into连用): ; Acid ate through the linoleum. ; 酸会把油地毡蚀穿。 ; (人)感到苦恼(或烦恼) ; n. ; [常用复数][美国口语、俚语]食品,食物,吃的东西,膳食,饭菜 ; 短语: ; Eat at pleasure,drink with (或by) measure. ; [谚语]随意吃饭,适度饮酒。(或:吃饭请随便,饮酒莫过量。) ; eat crow ; 见 crow1 ; eat dirt ; 见dirt ; Eat,drink and be merry,for tomorrow we die. ; 亦作 Let us eat and drink,for tomorrow we die. [谚语] ; 今日有酒今日醉,明日愁来明日当。 ; 对酒当歌,人生几何。 ; eat high on (或 off) the hog ; 生活得好[见hog] ; eat humble pie ; 见humble pie ; eat it ; [俚语] ; 忍下,强咽下 ; [粗俗语]行口淫 ; eat like a bird ; 见bird ; eat like a horse ; 见horse ; eat nails ; 见nail ; eat one's cake and have it too ; [亦作 have one's cake and eat it too] 见cake ; eat one's fill ; 吃个饱;尽量吃 ; eat one's hat ; 见hat ; eat one's head off ; 见head ; eat one's heart out ; 见heart ; eat one's mutton(with) ; 见 mutton ; eat one's terms ; 见term ; eat one's words ; 见word ; eat out of someone's hand(s) ; 见hand ; eat short ; (如糕饼之类)吃起来松脆,到口酥 ; eat someone out of house and home ; 见house ; eat someone's salt ; 见salt ; eat someone's toads ; 见toad ; eat stick ; 见stick ; eat the air ; 见air1 ; eat the bread of ; 见bread ; eat the bread of affliction ; 遭受痛苦(或折磨) ; eat the bread of idleness ; 游手好闲;坐食 ; eat the calf in the cow's belly ; 牛犊未落地,就要吃小牛;过早乐观 ; eat the fruit of one's own doings ; 自食其果 ; Eat to live,but do not live to eat. ; [谚语]为生而食,而不为食而生。 ; eat the wind out of ; 见wind ; eat well ; [口语] ; (食物)可口,好吃,有滋味 ; (人、动物)胃口好,健谈 ; 吃得好,讲究吃 ; 招待丰盛 ; eat you heart out ; [俚语]盼着你妒忌,你完全有理由妒忌[见heart] ; have one's cake and eat it too ; =eat one's cake and have it too ; He (或She,We,They)won't eat you. ; 他(或她、我们、他们、她们)不会伤害你的。(劝某人不要惊慌时的用语) ; I'll eat my boots (或hat, head) if… ; [口语、赌咒语]要是…我就不是人。(或:要是…就砍我的头。或:决无…这回事。) ; Well,don't eat me! ; [戏谑语]唷,别那么凶啊! ; 变形: ; vt. ; ate ; . eaten ; . eating
  • "eatback" 中文翻译 :    n.化学腐蚀蔓延
  • "eaten ass" 中文翻译 :    [网络] 吃屁股
  • "eatathon" 中文翻译 :    [网络] 吃东西
  • "eaten at" 中文翻译 :    困扰
  • "eataly" 中文翻译 :    [网络] 美食连锁店;大利市场;遇到不负责任的对待
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