And in some areas, schools are being eased into change very slowly 另外有些地区的学校拖拖拉拉、迟迟不肯动弹。
This helps graduates ease into the workforce and gives them an edge when seeking employment 这样将会帮助他们更容易地进入到工作中并且在找工作的时候具备一定的优势。
And they stress that even those in good shape need to train properly and ease into exercise routines 他们还强调,即使是那些状况良好的人也必须合理锻炼,并保持不要运动过度。
Newspapers in sweden and the united states continue to ease into the subject section by section, supplement by supplement 瑞典和美国的报纸继续自若地看看各个版面和各本增刊的主题。
So if you like shanghai and you're in the mood, take a look at the following text; it'll warm you up and help you ease into shanghai's vacuous lifestyle 假如你喜欢上海,而又不是愤青,熟读以下文字,可以帮你提前热身,让你尽早溶入上海的风花雪夜中。
So if you like shanghai and you're feeling a little rebellious, take a look at the following text; it'll warm you up and help you ease into shanghai's vacuous lifestyle 假如你喜欢上海,而又不是愤青,熟读以下文字,可以帮你提前热身,让你尽早溶入上海的风花雪夜中。
Therefore it can be good to ease into prayer gently, perhaps by listening to a praise and worship cd, or by reading a psalm or another passage from the bible, or simply by reflecting on what we have to be thankful for 因此最好能够和缓的完全放松的进入祷告,可能是藉着听一曲赞美和敬拜的cd,或者藉着读一段诗篇或《圣经》中其它一段经文,或者简单的思想我们有那些事情需要献上感谢。
Firstly, after this initial shock i was to find myself slowly, and skillfully eased into the basics . little by little i found-and i am still finding, that i am picking up more and more of what once seemed like jibberish 抛开母语的思维定势,换一种思维学语言,老外学中文,我们学英语,语言教师大卫学习外语的热情和对语言感悟对于热衷学英语学外语的人们不外是一种很好的启迪和帮助。
ease intoとは意味:ゆっくりと入る、徐々に慣れさせる、そっと入れる I eased my baby into her crib as carefully as I could. できるだけ慎重に赤ちゃんをベッドにそっと入れた