Cessation of smoking and avoidance of passive smoking are advised to minimize the harmful effects of smoking on the eyes . dysthyroid eye disease 为把吸烟对眼睛造成的损害减至最低,吸烟人士应该戒烟,而非吸烟人士也应该避免吸入二手烟。
Patients with dysthyroid eye disease who smoke more cigarettes per day have more serious eye problems . smoking may cause disturbances in the immune system , resulting in decreased control of immune cells against thyroidal or orbital antigens 患有因甲状腺功能过盛所引致的眼疾的病人每日吸食的香烟数目愈多,其眼疾的病情便会愈严重。
Patients with dysthyroid eye disease who smoke more cigarettes per day have more serious eye problems . smoking may cause disturbances in the immune system , resulting in decreased control of immune cells against thyroidal or orbital antigens 患有因甲状腺功能过盛所引致的眼疾的病人每日吸食的香烟数目愈多,其眼疾的病情便会愈严重。
Cigarette smoking is an important risk factor for cardiovascular , respiratory , and malignant diseases . there is also a strong association between smoking and a number of common eye diseases , which include dysthyroid eye disease , age - related macular degeneration , glaucoma , and cataract 吸烟不但会引致心血管病呼吸系统病和癌症,而且跟多种眼疾都有关系,这包括因甲状腺功能过盛所引致的眼疾老年黄斑退化白内障青光眼等。
Cigarette smoking is an important risk factor for cardiovascular , respiratory , and malignant diseases . there is also a strong association between smoking and a number of common eye diseases , which include dysthyroid eye disease , age - related macular degeneration , glaucoma , and cataract 吸烟不但会引致心血管病、呼吸系统病和癌症,而且跟多种眼疾都有关系,这包括因甲状腺功能过盛所引致的眼疾、老年黄斑退化、白内障、青光眼等。