

  • 动力蛋白,达因蛋白



  • 例句与用法
  • Recent studies have indicated the existence of dynein heavy chain and light chain in higher plants , but no data about dynein intermediate chain in higher plants have been reported
  • These results suggest that the cytoplasmic dynein intermediate chain - like protein exists in lily pollen , and it distributes mainly on either cis - and trans - golgi - associated vesciles
  • In animal and lower plant cells , cytoplasmic dynein involved in not only trafficking of subcellular organelles and target molecules , but also organizing and positioning of organelles such as golgi apparatus
  • After treatment with bfa , immunoflurescence labeling and confocal laser scanning microscopy indicated that the cytoplasmic dynein intermediate chain - like protein in lily pollen tube was insensitive to bfa treating , but spectrin - like protein was sensitive to it under the same condition
  • By sds - page and immuno - blotting , we found that a monoclonal antibody of anti - chick brain cytoplasmic dynein intermediate chain antibody could react with cytoplasmic dynein intermediate chain - like protein at 67 kda in lily pollen . under confocal laser scanning microscopy after immunoflurescence labeling , we found that the dynein intermediate chain - like protein appeared punctated and was co - localization partly with microtubules in cytoplasm of lily pollen tube
  • By sds - page and immuno - blotting , the monoclonal antibody of anti - chick brain cytoplasmic dynein intermediate chain could recognize the 67 kda protein in purified golgi apparatus fraction from lily pollen . subsequently by immuno - gold labeling and transmission electron microscopy , we found that the dynein intermediate chain - like protein bound mainly to the membranes of golgi - associated vesicles . statistics analysis of dynein intermediate chain - like protein on golgi - associated vesciles showed the nearly equal chance of distribution on either cis - or trans - golgi - associated vesciles
    对分离纯化的百合花粉及花粉管中高尔基体组分进行sds -聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳和免疫印迹发现,抗鸡脑细胞质力蛋白中间链单克隆抗体在67kda处有较强的免疫交叉反应;进而通过免疫金标结合电子显微镜观察发现,大多数类细胞质力蛋白中间链存在于高尔基体附近的囊泡膜上;统计结果表明,类细胞质力蛋白中间链在顺面和反面高尔基体附近囊泡膜上的分布机率大致相等。
  • 百科解释
Dynein is a motor protein (also called molecular motor or motor molecule) in cells which converts the chemical energy contained in ATP into the mechanical energy of movement. Dynein transports various cellular cargo by "walking" along cytoskeletal microtubules towards the minus-end of the microtubule, which is usually oriented towards the cell center.
  • 其他语种释义
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