Genetical studies on dwarfism in cold region early japonica rice varieties 寒地早粳品种矮生性遗传研究
Dwarfism stunted growth . this may be due to genetic mutation , causing gibberellin deficiency 矮态:植物生长受到限制形成的植株形态矮小,可能是由于基因突变造成的赤霉素缺乏引起。
In humans , severe and prolonged psychological stress can cause growth to stop in children , a rare syndrome called psychogenic dwarfism 人类儿童要是经历严重而长期的心理压力,发育会停止,那是一种罕见的病,叫作心因性侏儒症。
2 a number of drastic mutations can produce this kind of dwarfism , ranging from a defect in a gene that releases growth hormone to defects in genes that result in damage to the pituitary gland 注 as a whole 4多种剧烈的突变都可能导致这种侏儒症,其中包括从释放生长激素的一个基因的一个缺陷,到导致整个垂体损害的多个基因的多个缺陷。
Ancient egyptian society had a strong code of ethics and commandments to be respectful towards dwarfs , the crippled and blind . depictions of dwarfism in tomb and vase paintings , statues and other art forms are numerous and indicate that dwarfs were employed as personal attendants , animal carers , jewellers , dancers and entertainers 在埃及发现至少有50座墓碑铭,以及众多壁画雕像等众多古埃及文物上对侏儒的生活和形象细致的描绘,侏儒在当时还被认为拥有诸如驱赶毒蛇这样的神奇力量。
Growth and development of animals were regulated by many factors including gene , environment , nutrition and endocrine . in endocrine system , growth hormone ( gh ) always taks up a centerlly regulative place . previous studies have shown that patients with gigantism or dwarfism have abnormal high or low plasma gh levels , respectively , and animals treated with exogenous gh markedly improved its growth . therefore , it is reasonable to enhance the levels of gh in plasma by some techniques will result in improvement of animal production performance 在内分泌系统中,尽管任何一种内分泌激素都不能单独地调控动物全部生长和发育过程,不过生长激素在其中仍占据着中心调节作用的位置。已知,巨人症患者生长激素水平极度的升高,而侏儒症患者的生长激素水平则显著地降低,同时,注射外源性生长激素可明显地提高动物的生长速度,改善了动物的胴体组成。
Dr chahira kozma , of georgetown university hospital , washington , has used inscriptions and representations on tomb and temple walls , papyrus documents and other objects , as well as human remains , to see how achondroplasia , a cause of the most common type of dwarfism , was regarded in ancient times 据每日电讯12月28日报道,通过对古代的铭神殿文献资料和古人类遗骸的研究,美国华盛顿州乔治敦大学医院的科兹马博士指出,侏儒们在古埃及社会受到尊重,享有较高的社会地位。
a genetic abnormality resulting in short stature 同义词:nanism,