Governmental dutifulness and undutifulness during land expropriation 政府在征地过程中的作为与不作为
He was given the name of pius by the senate, 10 either because, when his father-in law was old and weak, he lent him a supporting hand in his attendance at the senate ( which act, indeed, is not sufficient as a token of great dutifulness, since a man were rather undutiful who did not perform this service than dutiful if he did ), or because he spared those men whom hadrian in his ill-health had condemned to death, or because after hadrian's death he had unbounded and extraordinary honours decreed for him in spite of opposition from all, or because, when hadrian wished to make away with himself, by great care and watchfulness he prevented him from so doing, 11 or because he was in fact very kindly by nature and did no harsh deed in his own time 他被元老院授予皮乌斯的名字(10),或者因为,当他的岳父年老衰弱的时候,他扶着他出席元老院(这行为,的确,不是一个充份表现恭顺的例证,因为一个人宁可不恭顺而不做这种服务,而不是这样恭顺地去做),或因为他饶恕了那些哈德良在病中命令处死的人,或因为在哈德良死后,他不顾所有人的反对,下令给他非常崇高的荣誉,或因为,哈德良想要自杀时,他以很好的照料和谨慎避免了此事(11),或因为他事实上天性非常和蔼,而且在他的时期没有残酷的行为。