The driveling song seemed to have kept its popularity . 这喋喋不休的歌曲盛行不衰。
He was drivelling on about the meaning of life 他喋喋不休地胡诌什麽人生的意义
No offence, mark, butwe both know thatthis is drivel 别生气,马克,但你我都清楚这是骗人的
Never before have i been asked to listen to such appalling drivel 可不是为了听你们这些莫名其妙的胡话
But often once you buy a book you feel obligated to read it, even if it is drivel 但是你可能经常会买回来一本你发现并不喜欢的书。
You're going to have to rewrite this essay-at the moment, it's just drivel 你得重写这篇文章??按现在的情形看,它根本就是言之无物。
O you inquisitional drunken jew jesuit ! she gets you a job on the paper and then you go and slate her drivel to jaysus 她在报馆里替你谋一份差事,你却骂她是蹩脚演员,写了那些蠢话。
It is not just insulting, it's also childishly simplistic . employees are likely to laugh their tails off at any boss who cites this drivel as inspiration 这不仅带有侮辱性,而且幼稚、简单化。老板要把这一派胡言奉为灵感,雇员可能会笑掉大牙。
There is plenty more such drivel, with other details of plot, scene and character being the subject of a farrago of bogus inference, forced taxonomy and lame puns 在这本书里还有更多这样的胡言乱语,用其他情节、场景和人物的细节来作为伪造推理、强制分类和毫无说服力的双关语的论据。
The person's eye, nose, oral cavity is connected each other, be like : drop eyedrop can enter the mouth in, what guttural secretion goes out from nose is drivel, going out from the mouth is phlegmy 人的眼睛,鼻子,口腔是互相通的,如:滴眼药水能进入嘴里,咽喉的分泌物从鼻子出去的是鼻涕,从嘴出是痰。