Comparision of pharmacokinetics of two different doxycycline injections in pigs 2种多西环素注射液在健康猪体内的药动学比较
Procedure ? proceed as directed for procedure in the assay under doxycycline hyclate 步骤:按盐酸多西环素的含量测定项下进行。
When only doxycycline was added to the mixture , the yellow team prevailed 党只有脱氧土霉素加入混合菌群的环境时,黄色菌团占上风。
Series of activated carbon for doxycycline hydrochlocide accelerant carrier , gold refinement 盐酸强力霉素、触煤载体、黄金提纯专用系列活性炭
One of these strains was sensitive to doxycycline , a common antibiotic ; the other was doxycycline - resistant 一个菌群对脱氧土霉素敏感,另外一种由该抗生素的抗药性。
The effect of doxycycline calcium plus root of red - rooted salvia on the resistance to chronic hepatitis b liver fibrosis 强力宁合用丹参抗慢性乙型肝炎肝纤维化效应的观察
Doxycycline is a potent photosensitizer and has been reported as causing a high incidence of phototoxic reactions 强力霉素是一种强光敏性药物,已有报告表明其光敏反应的发生率较高。
Simultaneous determination of sulfosalicylic acid and p - toluene sulfonic acid in doxycycline waste water by uv spectrophotometry 紫外光谱法同时测定强力霉素废水中磺基水杨酸与对甲基苯磺酸
When the two were grown in cultures containing doxycycline the resistant strain , as expected , did better 当两个菌群都在脱氧土霉素的环境下生长的时候,拥有抗药性的菌群如期望中一样活得很好。
Method for the determination of oxytetracycline , tetracycline , chlortetacycline and doxycycline residues in honey - lc - ms - ms method 蜂蜜中土霉素四环素金霉素强力霉素残留量的测定方法液相色谱-串联质谱法