- He doodled during the whole lecture .
他一整节课都在胡写乱画。 - We sang these lines to the tune of yankee doodle .
我们用扬基歌的曲调唱这几句歌词。 - Next to paulsen, nim goldman doodled thoughtfully on a pad .
波尔森旁边,尼姆哥尔德曼一边沉思,一边漫不经心地在一张便条上乱画着。 - We sang these lines to the tune of yankee doodle
我们用扬基歌的曲调唱这几句歌词 - Or cocklee - doodle - doos when i say . dodgeball
或者其他任何不满的声音当我说.躲避球的时候 - I got the cheez doodles . - wait , give me that drink
我带了奶酪面来-等下,我要喝那个饮料 - You do doodle on them , i always wrote all over mine
在书上到处随意涂鸦,我常常是这样的。 - Within a few months , doodle had learned to walk well
几个月内,嘟嘟已经很好地学会了走路。 - - i got the cheez doodles . - wait , give me that drink
-我带了奶酪面来-等下,我要喝那个饮料 - Doodle knelt beside the ibis . " i ' m going to bury him .
嘟嘟在朱鹭旁边跪下。 “我要埋葬它。 ”