Statement by doh on legco s sars report 生署署长就沙士调查报告发表声明
Shwf will activate this response level upon the advice of doh 福局局长会在生署署长的建议下,启动紧急应变级别。
Evidence of efficient human - to - human transmission . shwf will activate this response level upon the advice of doh 福局局长会在生署署长的建议下,启动严重应变级别。
Ed in collaboration with swd and the department of health ( doh ) will launch programmes to strengthen parental education 教署会与社署和?生署携手合作,推展加强家长教育的计划。
The doh found that the suicide rate is highest among the 45 - 64 age group , the average age of suicide victims being 47 . 7 就自杀死者年龄看来, 45到64岁的死亡率最高,自杀身亡时平均47 . 7岁。
On december 28th the department of health ( doh ) confirmed what doctors have long suspected : rickets seems to be on the rise 卫生部于12月28日证实了医生们长期怀疑的佝偻病正在增长这一论断。
Standard five girls were having a singing lesson , just finishing the la - me - doh - la exercises and beginning a sweet children s song 女孩子们在上着唱歌课,刚刚练习完了“拉一米一多一拉” ,正开始唱着一首儿单的短歌。
Finally an example case was offered to indicate that the method of doh could rationally and effectively decide to choose the power parameter of motive sources 并结合实例说明该混合度的设计方法可合理、有效地确定动力源的功率参数。
Aiming at a parallel hybrid electric vehicle ( hev ) , a design method of degree of hybridization ( doh ) , mainly about the constraint , side value condition and compute method of doh was introduced 摘要提出了并联型混合动力汽车的混合度设计方法,重点讨论混合度设计的约束条件、边值条件及其计算方法。