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用"dodi"造句"dodi"怎么读"dodi" in a sentence


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  • Dodi : direct outward dialing one
  • " she was treating this relationship with dodi as a serious matter wasn ' t she
    曼斯菲尔德问道: “戴安娜王妃对多迪的感情是认真的,是吗?
  • A criminal complaint by dodi fayed ' s father for the invasion of his son ' s privacy
  • That ' s accorrding to a british inquest looking into the car crash that killed the princess and boyfriend dodi fayed
  • " darling dodi , these cufflinks were the very last gift from the man i loved most in the world , my father , " her letter said
    戴安娜在信中说: “亲爱的多迪,这些袖扣是最爱我的父亲送给我的最后一件礼物。 ”
  • But this was immediately challenged by dodi s father , harrods owner mohamed fayed , who last month won a judicial review against her decision to sit alone
  • Diana , known for her charity work and tabloid celebrity , died in a paris car crash with her boyfriend , dodi fayed , on aug . 31 , 1997
    戴安娜生前热衷慈善事业,并一直是媒体热追的名人。 1997年8月31日,戴安娜王妃与男友多迪?法耶兹在法国巴黎遭遇车祸身亡。
  • But the official police report into the deaths disclosed that dodi fayed had probably been intending to ask diana , princess of wales , to marry him on the night she died
  • James huth said he could not see the princess in the wrecked mercedes because she was trapped on the floor behind the front seats , with the body of her lover , dodi fayed , on top of her
  • James huth said he could not see the princess in the wrecked mercedes because she was trapped on the floor behind the front seats , with the body of her lover , dodi fayed , on top of her
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