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用"dmitri"造句"dmitri"怎么读"dmitri" in a sentence


  • 德米特里
  • 迪米崔


  • I didn ' t know dmitri had a beach house
  • Do you stay in touch with uncle dmitri
  • Roy , this is dmitri . i met you at that club rage the other night
  • I did n ' t know foreign players could be so sentimental ? dmitri loskov , fc lokomotiv moskva captain , after they won their first russian premier - liga title
  • Dmitri trenin , of the carnegie moscow centre , argues that russia has now left the western solar system and is busily creating its own
    “他们(西方)认识到俄罗斯正在发奋图强,正在不断强大, ”克里姆林宫的舒瓦洛夫这样评价西方对俄罗斯的批评,因此他们“会抓住任何可以利用的机会来抨击俄罗斯” 。
  • Still , as dmitri trenin of the carnegie moscow centre says , the russia - china pairing is no longer merely a sort of diplomatic adultery , used by both to irk america : it has “ a dynamic of its own ”
    然而,正如卡内基莫斯科中心的迪米特里?特列宁所说的,俄中关系已不再仅仅是两国用来折磨美国的一种外交上的成熟关系,而是“具备了自己的活力” 。
  • In doing so , they have shown that the predictions of chemistry ' s central blueprint , dmitri mendeleev ' s periodic table , extend reliably into the realm of heavy , short - lived , radioactive elements that do not exist in nature
  • Among the most prominent composers of the 20th century were b la bart k , gustav mahler , richard strauss , giacomo puccini , claude debussy , maurice ravel , charles ives , edward elgar , arnold schoenberg , sergei rachmaninoff , sergei prokofiev , igor stravinsky , dmitri shostakovich , benjamin britten , aaron copland and carl nielsen
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