Snowflakes are nothing more than ice , but the forms a single flake can take are dizzyingly complex . a single crystal of ice is known as a snow crystal . and one or more snow crystals stuck together make a snowflake 雪花的成分除了冰之外几乎别无他物,一个或更多的冰晶组合成为雪花,组合方式有无限的可能性,因此,几乎每个雪花的结构都是一个令人眩目的复杂结合体。
Man , lion , and arrow deal dizzyingly with the time / space problem ; a chase with intent to murder during rush - hour traffic traces the ultimately saving method in the madness ; cross lovers are further crossed by the crazy pattern of highway driving - and so it goes 人,狮子和弓箭一起糊里糊涂的对付时间/空间问题;在交通高峰时间的追杀反而最终在疯狂中找到了一个解决办法;关系复杂的恋人们被高速公路上的疯狂驾驶搞得关系更加复杂,以及诸如此类的故事。
dizzyinglyとは意味:{副} : 目まいがするほど、目まぐるしく The week's initial good news dizzyingly turned to bad. その週の初めには良いニュースだったものが悪いものへと目まぐるしく変化した。