Statistical analysis of the river networks on neotectonic divergency of east and west parts in jiaodong peninsula 胶东半岛新构造东西分异的水系特征统计分析
Their location should pay much attention to studies of " theory of newly - developed advantages " and adopt the strategy of divergency and serving regional development 其办学定位应重视对后发优势理论的借鉴,走差异化、服务于地方的发展之路。
The performance of the cngs , including transmission efficiency , neutron flux , flux spectrum , divergency , uniform and gravity effect , have been analysed technically . that the scheme of supermirror guide is optimum has been given and adopted 在此基础上,分别从传输效率、中子注量率、谱形、发散度、均匀性和重力影响方面,对导管性能进行了技术分析,提出了超镜导管是建设的最佳方案,并被工程设计采纳。
The position and size of the monochromator , focusing curvature radii and tilting angles of the germanium focusing monochromator under different different take - off angle , size and divergency of the second collimator and intensity loss due to the use of it were determined . the neutron flux at different wavelength , under different reflection and take - off angle of the monochromator and divergency of the first collimator , were given . the simulation on the aperture used for limiting beam size in front of the sample showed that , smaller the size of the aperture and further the distance from the aperture to the sample , greater the loss of the intensity and more serious the spread of the beam along vertical direction at the sample position which makes the practical sampling volume greater than expected 用蒙特卡罗模拟方法对中子应力衍射谱仪的设计方案进行了优化研究,提出了一系列可供参考的数据:确定了单色器的位置、尺寸、垂直聚焦单色器在不同起飞角下的聚焦曲率半径和倾角;讨论了第二准直器的尺寸和发散,以及使用第二准直器造成的强度损失;给出了在不同单色器反射面、起飞角、中子波长和第一准直器发散度的情况下样品处的中子注量率,以及多种组合情况下谱仪的分辨率曲线;对限束方孔的尺寸、距离样品远近对强度损失和测量中的影响做了深入研究。
The random amplified polymorphic dna ( rapd ) and inter - simple sequence repeat ( issr ) analysis were used to estimate population genetics of fenneropenaeus chinensis . we analyzed the genetic diversity and genetic structure of the populations , and also studied the genetic divergency among populations and geographic populations . the main results shown as follows : 1 本文以中国对虾( fenneropenaeuschinensis )野生群体为研究对象,采用rapd和issr分子标记技术,进行了群体遗传学的研究,对中国对虾野生群体的遗传多样性及群体遗传结构进行了分析,研究了中国对虾各野生群体之间的遗传分化情况。
Basic properties of the induced logic metric space are investigated , of which theories of divergency degree and consistency degree of a logic theory are developed , and three types of approximate reasoning models are proposed as well , and an elementary quantitative logic theory is hence established 基于此,提出了公式间的相似度与伪度量,研究了所得的逻辑度量空间的基本性质,提出并研究了逻辑理论的发散度与相容度概念,给出了三种近似推理的模式,初步建立了计量逻辑学理论。
We can realize some plant species are applicable in some regions when knowing the divergency betwwen these areas . it is amphasized that planting recovering obey the laws of nature . when choosing planting species , it is considerable that follows the process of natural succession and chooses the endemic species 在非本研究区域欲进行植栽复育或景观绿化等工作时,也应尽可能符合生态原则,或者在挑选非本地树种时,应考虑其生育海拔及其它因子等与当地环境是否相当。
The laser unit , because of its monochromaticity and small divergency , is used as sensor ’ s light source . devices and chips provided with high - speed responsing and processing capabilities are employed . as a result , the achieved uncertainty of time measuring is 125 ps , demonstrating an accuracy improvement in magnitude of an order 在设计制作中采用了单色性和方向性好的激光作为光源,选取了高速响应和有高速处理能力的一系列器件、芯片,因此时间测量的精度达到了125ps ,比以往的测试方法提高了1个数量级以上,速度测量精度达到扫描速度的0 . 1 % 。
the act of moving away in different direction from a common point; "an angle is formed by the divergence of two straight lines" 同义词:divergence,
an infinite series that has no limit 同义词:divergence,