disproportion n. 不均衡,不相称,不相当,失调。 architectural disproportion 建筑上的不均衡。 a supply in disproportion with the demand 供求失调。 vt. 使失平衡,使不相称。 adj. -able ,-al adj.= disproportionate. n. -ation 【化学】不均衡反应。
Disproportional between authority and obligation 工作中权利和责任不相称。
The premium rate of disproportional reinsurance by bilateral party agreed 非比例再保险的保险费率由双方当事人议定。
The particular form of reinsurance can be divided for scale reinsurance and disproportional reinsurance two kinds 再保险的具体形式可以分为比例再保险和非比例再保险两类。
Second , a disproportional rate of male and female students in one class is conducive to class discipline and learning effect 其次,男女比例不一致有利于班级纪律和学习成效。
Investors ’ overweighting of certain information will result in disproportional magnitude of price fall at bad news , and of price rise at good news in the stock market 投资者对于一些信息过于重视,造成股价在利空信息下过度下跌而在利好信息下上涨过度。
At present , china securities law and china corporate law have prohibitory regulations on manipulation , but in our regulation system of securities market , administrative penalty and criminal punishment occupy a disproportional importance , while civil liability is being ignored seriously 对于操纵市场,我国证券立法上有明确的禁止性规定,但对于其法律规制还仅限刑事和行政方面,忽略了对操纵行为人民事责任的追究,忽略了对受损害的投资者以私权上的救济。
Sichuan is one of the agricultural province , locates in the area between the continental climate and oceanic climate , the distribution of precipitation is always disproportional due to the influence of atmosphere circumfluence , the existence of drought and floodwater plus water pollution have produced huge menace to agriculture , water resources utilization , soil erosion and even the life and properties of human being 解决水资源的诸多问题,是摆在全党、全社会和全国人民面前一项刻不容缓的重大战略任务。四川作为贫水国的一个农业大省,由于地处海洋性气候与大陆性气候交接地带,受大气环流影响,降水时空分布不均,水旱灾害极为频繁,尤其是干旱对农业生产的威胁最大。
The owners ( shareholders ) and the executives of a business are principals and agents . therefore , there are so called " agency problems " between them , such as " different objectives and interests " , " disproportional control of information " , and " disproportional responsibilities and risks " 企业的所有者(股东)和企业的经营者之间的关系,是委托人和代理人的关系,这样,在两者之间就存在“目标利益不一致” , “信息控制不对称” , “责任风险不对称”的所谓的“代理问题” 。
In disproportional reinsurance , original underwriter and reinsurance person talk things over agreed a specified amount that by original underwriter compensate pays insurance gold is spent , be in what this forehead spends less than to be paid by compensate of original underwriter proper motion , exceed this forehead to spend , the agreement that must press an agreement assumes its share by reinsurance person or all compensate pays duty 在非比例再保险中,原保险人与再保险人协商议定一个由原保险人赔付保险金的额度,在此额度以内的由原保险人自行赔付,超过该额度的,就须按协议的约定由再保险人承担其部分或全部赔付责任。
The business , however , ran slowly , it is disproportional to the present fast developing mc business , which is mainly resulted from the unclear strategic positioning policy . thus we are trying to make efforts on the following : 1 . discuss the present problems of chinese mc business , and anticipate the trend of its development basing on the analysis of the development of mc both in china and abroad 本文试图: 1 、通过对国内、外(美国、德国、日本)管理咨询业发展情况的对比分析,透析目前我国咨询业存在的问题并预测管理咨询业未来发展的趋势; 2 、通过对咨询企业特征的分析,挖掘我国咨询企业的竞争优势; 3 、通过分析自身企业,阐明企业发展的优势与制约因素,并进一步提出适合自身发展的竞争策略和管理措施。