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用"diplex"造句"diplex"怎么读"diplex" in a sentence


  • adj.
    【电学】同向双工的,收发信号同时同向传送的。 diplex telegraph 单向双路电报。


  • It is inevitable for principle of universal jurisdiction being accepted quickly and radicated as one essential principle of international criminal law in 2oth century : the first reason is that in the face of the complication , diversification and organizing nature of international crime , international society mends his pace to seek the diplex judicial system which can control these international crimes even effectively and fleetly . the second reason is that there are many disadvantages in the direct enacting pattern of international criminal law , the most obvious one is that the jurisdiction of international criminal tribunal and international criminal court are very restricted and the time - limiting system is also narrow
  • The connections of kinds of factors in the economical field of china are being made series of great adjustment . with the relation extent between the domestic market and international economy aspect has deepened after entering wto , the market condition of china media has got great changes , of which the diplex power comes from the domestic and international conditions . at the same time , the manage policy of the government to the media has stared to put up great adjustment , too . the kinds of factors will exert a long - term influence to the media markets " competitive aspect and the media ' s development for themselves


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