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Research on peculiarity of wave in the downstream of diffluent piers with low ridge 低坎分流墩消能工下游水流波动特性研究
Abstract : the structure and machining process of plane diffluent compounddie are introduced 文摘:介绍了平面分流组合模的结构和加工工艺。
By analyzing the optimal diffluent ratio and solder angle of the dies , the maximum stress in the body of improved dies is de - creased effectively 对模具的分流比和焊合角进行优化并再次模拟,发现分流模的最大应力大大降低。
We look for the optimum alternative on the basis of analyzing the internal connection of the diffluent piers body style parameters and the wave 在分析分流墩体型参数与波浪间的内在联系的基础上,寻找较优的分流墩方案,并在理论分析的基础上提出一些经验公式。
Additionally , it has utilized the harvest of the diffluent and confluence cross experiment made by beijing university of technology , which has enhance the application of the software and be of innovation 同时,软件利用了北京工业大学建筑环境与设备实验室多年来在带调节拉杆阀片的合流及分流四通局部阻力系数的实验研究成果。这一点,将扩大了软件的工程应用范围。
Low - level cyclones usually imply horizontally confluent flow and vertically rising air resulting in inclement weather . low - level anti - cyclones bring in fine and stable weather due to horizontally diffluent flow and vertically sinking air 低空气旋表徵水平汇聚、垂直上升的不稳定气流,可以导致恶劣天气产生;低空反气旋则代表水平辐散、垂直下沉的稳定流场,伴随著晴朗的天气。
In order to diffluent the tourists from the high lever tourism area to the low level tourism area , certain steps should be adopt to make sure the holistic area development , also make the destination in different level under control 要实现低级别旅游地对高级别旅游地的分流,通过一定的措施能达到区域旅游的整体发展,而且将不同级别旅游地的旅游环境承载力控制在可承受范围之内。
The upper of the east model boundary remains constant head and the at the lower of it , there might exists a diffluent interface . so the east and west sides of the diffluent interface are respectively the drainage area of east and west karst - groundwater of yellow river 模型东界上部以黄河水位为第一类水头已知边界,下部必存在一个分流面,分流面东西两侧分别是黄河东西两块岩溶水的排泄区,该分流面可视为零流量边界。
Firstly , simulate flow field of rear smoke channel , plot velocity magnitude and ash concentration distribution in section of entry of heat pipe air preheater , compare with data which were measured in guiyang power station , verify simulation to be reasonable and right . secondly , simulate all kinds of factors which affect flow field ' s uniformity such as length , thickness , location of diffluent board , ash concentration , ash diameter , and so on , find the chiefly factors . thirdly , install guide board in curve channel in rear smoke channel , then simulate its " flow field , plot velocity magnitude and ash concentration distribution 在此基础上模拟在冬夏两季不同情况下,不同流速对热管空气预热器壁面温度的影响;然后对影响整个流场分布的各种因素:包括分流板长度、厚度、偏离中心流道位置的偏离度、飞灰浓度、飞灰粒径等因素进行数值模拟;最后提出在分流烟道转弯处加装导流板,并模拟加装导流板后的流场分布,得到下级空气预热器出口、热管空气预热器进口处的断面速度场分布、浓度场分布,以论证加装导流板能达到流场均匀化的作用。