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用"didu"造句"didu"怎么读"didu" in a sentence


  • 迪迪
  • 迪杜


  • Yangshuo didu hotel
  • Yangshuo didu hotel : guangxi hotels - china hotel guangxi hotel reservation
  • Zhuhai - didu resort : via jiangmen - jianghe speedway - guang fo speedway - tum right 13km form shengtang exit of kaiyang speedway , about 2 hours drive
  • Zhuhai - didu resort : via jiangmen - jianghe speedway - guang fo speedway - tum right 13km form shengtang exit of kaiyang speedway , about 2 . 5 hours drive
    珠海旅游区:经江中高速江鹤高速广佛高速开阳高速至圣堂出口转右13公里即到,时间只需2 . 5小时。
  • Zhuhai - didu resort : via jiangmen - jianghe speedway - guang fo speedway - tum right 13km form shengtang exit of kaiyang speedway , about 2 . 5 hours drive
    珠海旅游区:珠海旅游区:经江中高速江鹤高速广佛高速开阳高速至圣堂出口转右13公里即到,时间只需2 . 5小时。
  • Chinese and western restaurant . didu hotel also set up the restaurant department " coming restaurant " surrounding the mountains and water . when staying in the hotel , you will feel in the picture . it is the best choice for your tourism and holiday
  • Didu hotel is located in the crossing of western street of yangshuo . left to " the double moon stream " , right to western street " green lotus flower " and face to " lijiang river " . the meaning of hotel s name " didu " is the orignal living area of emperors . hotels design according to the ancient style of imperial palace , simple and unsophisticated , refined , peaceful , comfortable
    帝都大酒店座落于世界闻名的阳朔西街口,左邻“双月小溪” ,右邻西街“碧莲峰” ,面临“漓江” 。店名“帝都”之意乃帝王起居之地。酒店按古代皇宫风格设计,古朴典雅幽静舒适。
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