

  • 迪亚曼泰
  • 迪亚曼特
  • 廉价仿造宝石首饰
  • 亮饰
  • 镶人造钻石的
  • 镶人造钻石装饰的



  • 例句与用法
  • They include a silver tissue full - length number embroidered with sequins , beads , pearls and diamante . it was worn during the 1972 state visit to france
    女王“衣柜”里有一件绣有亮片小珠子珍珠和人造钻石的银色丝质全长礼服, 1972年女王对法国进行国事访问时就穿过这件衣服。
  • They include a silver tissue full - length number embroidered with sequins * , beads , pearls and diamante * . it was worn during the 1972 state visit to france
    女王"衣柜"里有一件绣有亮片、小珠子、珍珠和人造钻石的银色丝质全长礼服, 1972年女王对法国进行国事访问时就穿过这件衣服。
  • S have influenced queen elizabeth ' s style through the years . they include a silver tissue full - length number embroidered with sequins , beads , pearls and diamante . it was worn during the 1972 state visit to france
    女王“衣柜”里有一件绣有亮片小珠子珍珠和人造钻石的银色丝质全长礼服, 1972年女王对法国进行国事访问时就穿过这件衣服。
  • The sparkling dresses made for occasions such as banquets state visits and family events give an insight into how changing fashions have influenced queen elizabeth ' s style through the years . they include a silver tissue full - length number embroidered with sequins beads pearls and diamante
    女王“衣柜”里有一件绣有亮片小珠子珍珠和人造钻石的银色丝质全长礼服, 1972年女王对法国进行国事访问时就穿过这件衣服。
  • 英文解释
  • fabric covered with glittering ornaments such as sequins or rhinestones

  • adornment consisting of a small piece of shiny material used to decorate clothing
    同义词:sequin, spangle,

  • 其他语种释义
  • diamanteとは意味:{名} : ディアマンテ(で飾った織物) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形} : ディアマンテで飾った --------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
  • 推荐英语阅读
diamante的中文翻译,diamante是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译diamante,diamante的中文意思,diamante的中文diamante in Chinesediamante的中文diamante怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
