- v. 鄙视,看不起某人(某事)( despise的现在分词 )
- It respected wealth and it despised science .
它看重财富而轻视科学。 - He would exult over me and despise me .
他对我耀武扬威,不屑一顾。 - The townsmen despise and cheat the nomads .
城镇居民轻视和诈骗游牧民。 - My group despises violence of any kind .
我的组织鄙视任何形式的暴力行动。 - He had learned to despise technical dexterity .
他早就懂得轻视技巧的娴熟。 - I despise such people; they 've no character ..
我藐视这种人,他们没骨气。 - She was despised because she was of humble origin .
她因出身低贱而受到蔑视。 - Strategically we should despise all our enemies ..
在战略上我们要藐视一切敌人。 - That answer enraged her, and she despised him .
这一回答使她怒不可遏,她鄙视他。 - They must utterly despise him .