Huge forces [a large number of troops] have been deployed along the border . 重兵压境。
We are going to deploy it . 我们就要布署它
Many high-gain stations will be deployed on land and ocean bottom . 在陆地和洋底要设置许多高增益的台站。
The mars observer is to be deployed from an america space shuttle . “火星观察者”号将由一架美国航天飞机运载发射。
At 11 o'clock each morning thousands of freshmen and sophomores used to deploy over the campus . 每天早上十一点钟,数以千计的一、二年级学生在校园里各就各位。
By far the major part of all "normal" bank advertising appears to be deployed against the unbranded prospect . 所有“正规”银行广告宣传的最主要部分都在于吸引尚未开户的顾客。
Some countries have responded to the recent spate of terrorist hijackings by deploying heavily armed guards and armored vehicles at airports . 许多国家为了对付最近恐怖主义分子劫机事件的激增,采取了派重兵和装甲车防守机场的措施。
Shows you how to develop and deploy web services 告诉你如何开发和部署web服务。
Four men were deployed to the east side of the terminal 安排了4个人到候机厅东面